When I contemplate life and all that it entails I have to give myself a really big pat on the back. I have evolved past habits that were counterproductive to my growth. To say that I evolved means I no longer do or have the desire to do these things I’ve evolved from.

The biggest thing about change is that it can’t happen unless you want it. When you feel the deep desire for a new reality - only then can you shift from one existence to another. The powerful thing is that all it takes is one decision to change your life. This thought is heavy on my mind and I only write here when I feel compelled to. That is the thing about my practice, it is honest and in real time.

When you make up your mind about anything, your whole world can change. Here are some things I made up my mind about in the last six months:

  1. If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no. I stopped saying yes to things I wasn’t all the way on board with. I realized how short life is and how it should be spent doing things I love. Now I literally only do what I want to do. This has changed the quality of my life because now I am not anxious about upcoming things that I don’t want involvement in. I am excited to be an active participant of my own time.

  2. Detachment. Letting go of thoughts, people and ideas that are not aligned with me. Letting things go (which I rambled about in my last post) is one of the most transformative things you can do for your life. Letting things go makes room for what is new. This is simple. Our attachments keep us holding onto things so tight that barely have meaning. Let it go. Be renewed.

  3. Allow yourself the freedom to live. I wonder why we talk ourselves out of doing things we want to do. Life is here for you to enjoy. If you feel compelled to get up and take a walk - take the walk. If you want to go to Europe next year - plan and go. If you want to invite someone you’re interested in on a date - invite them! Stop waiting so long to do things you have genuine interest in. These days, I go crazy with telling myself yes. Before changing this about myself, I would wait forever for the simplest treasures. There is nothing for you to do here on earth but live your life. There is more to be said about why giving ourselves permission to be satisfied feels wrong - but that’s to be addressed in another post.

These three things have made me a happier person. I’ve become more mentally organized. I’ve become an expert at finding charm in my day to day life. It’s easy to get caught up in responsibilities and forget some of the changes that need to be made. Instead of boring yourself with goal based accountability, maybe you just need a change in perspective or daily practices.