I’ve been studying the power of intuition and manifestation lately, and the ways they can be used to enhance my life. My intuition spoke to me heavily as a child. I always felt this inner power pulling me towards certain ideas or thoughts. My intuition was potent, and I knew it was a positive force even though I was too young to identify what it was exactly. As a child, I imagined my intuition to be my fairy godmother like Whitney Houston on the “Cinderella” with Brandy as the lead role (iconic). I watched that movie so much growing up. I had it on VHS and it never got old to me. My imagination and my intuition were bonded together until I matured and could decipher the difference between the two.

As an adult, I realize that imagination, intuition and manifestation are three key things than can propel me to where I want to be. If only I knew then how powerful these things would be later in life. The imagination of a child is so unique and undisturbed. That is the place I try to return to when being creative and seeking authentic experiences through my art and way of living. Right now, meditation is restoring my ability to connect to organic and fresh thoughts. I’ve been able to recall specific moments from my childhood, which reminds me who I was before I was influenced so much by the world. This nostalgic feeling is pretty addicting and is pressing me into an even deeper spiritual realm. Understanding that everyone has a different reality and that you have the ability to view the world however you choose has brought me to a space of accountability.

A really scary part of adulthood is realizing that you have all of the control and responsibility over your life. Your well being and success depends on how much love you give to yourself day to day. Your energy is a reflection of your heart and your intentions for yourself and others. People who vibrate at high levels can spot another glowing being from a mile away, and thats what I want to be. I want to be someone who radiates love and vulnerability. I want to be someone who is content and ever-changing in response to life and its waves.

One idea thats been really repetitive in my studies is that, when you are going though something and experience a wave of sadness or depression, that is the universes way of trying to encourage CHANGE. If you feel stagnant or unsatisfied, what is it that you need to change in order to be better again ? Being able to know when to make certain shifts really can change you for the better.

A concept that has resonated with me is checking my “inner landscape” throughout the day. Asking myself, how am I feeling right now and why ? What do I need in order to feel most comfortable in this moment. What are my intentions for the remainder of my day ? This helps me make the most of my life, because there are no moments where I am disconnected from myself. How can I connect to other things, if I am not connected to self ?

One thing I need to work on is focusing on my breath more. Conscious breathing, and appreciating being able to breathe through my nose. When you breathe, you should be taking deep and full breaths. Most humans only take in half of the breath they actually are supposed to take which effects brain function, mood and a bunch of other things I won’t get into right now. But yes, I need to focus more on my breath.

This is where I am right now in my spirituality. I am looking at spirituality in its collaboration with all things mental/emotional. Where are you in your spiritual journey and what are some resources you turn to for research ?