-Politely greet people who look like you in passing
-Be educated and vigilant with your sexual/reproductive health
-Give as much as you take
-Understand and refine your coping mechanisms
-Study and apply conflict resolution skills
-Stop speaking negatively about the opposite sex, (work to combat the “gender war”)
-Work on congratulating and genuinely being happy for people who look like you (exercise the elimination of jealousy and recognize that when one of us wins we all win) *The biggest way to absolve this behavior is to say something positive to people the instant you begin to feel envy*
-Volunteer at a shelter of your choosing for the holidays (or anytime)
-Clean your closet out and give things you don't want/need to local women's shelter
-Carpool or rideshare with someone who does not have a car/ubers everywhere or uses public transportation everyday.
-If it comes natural to you: pursue any career that exerts influence on us: nurse, doctor, doula, therapist, educator, police officer, judge, lawyer, social worker, construction worker + many more
-Allow yourself to laugh and receive love from people who look like you
-Educate yourself about illness and diseases that run in your family and then create a wellness plan for yourself (stick to it)
-Be mindful about how you conduct yourself in public because we represent each other
-Raise happy and respectful children who are/will be the *future*
-Be mindful of your eating habits and try to drink at least one glass of water a day
-Ask the educators of your children if they need any additional supplies to be more comfortable and successful in the classroom (or just purchase supplies or snacks and drop them off)
-Be active in your child's educational journey
-Work on not being as judgemental as you have been
-Call and check on people you say you care about
-Be honest, transparent and genuine with people in conversation
-Make an effort to make better decisions than your parents did
-Be intentional about exposing your children to joyful experiences
-Invite someone to take a walk with you once a week or just go by yourself (decrease weariness and debility)
-Offer to babysit for a parent you know or spend time with a mom and her children
-Read books so that you can have conversations of substance with others
-Invest in one child you know (mental,emotional,financial investments)
-Find a foundation you feel aligned with and donate any amount to them once a year
-Mind your business
-Speak up when you see someone being disrespected (especially if they’re visibly vulnerable)
-Pray for people regularly (including yourself)
-Support the businesses, projects and ventures of your peers
-Learn more about financial literacy and ways to grow in this area
-Dedicate yourself to exercise at any level
-Call into work when you feel like it!
-Do not abuse substances when your back is against the wall
-Invest in your community to begin to combat gentrification
-Share important information with others
-Prioritize your mental health